Oswego Opera Theater 14th Annual Golf Tournament
Saturday, June 14th, 2025
Battle Island State Park
2150 State Rt 48
Fulton, NY 13069
8:30 AM Registration 9:00 Start $400 per team
Individuals may also register and be placed on a team for $125.
Checks should be made payable to: Oswego Opera Theater
Send payment and the registration form by June 7th to:
Oswego Opera Theater
P.O. Box 3039 Oswego, NY 13126
Team Name ____________________________________________
Team Captain ___________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________
Phone ___________________________________________________
Email ____________________________________________________
Crew Names _________________________________,___________________________________
Amount Enclosed $ ______________
Includes: 18 holes of golf with cart, refreshments at “the turn”, gifts, dinner and prizes
Skins, Mulligans and Strings available for purchase.
Games to include: lowest mixed team score, lowest team score for men and women, $10,000 hole in one, longest drives men and women, straightest drives, closest to pin
Eve Phillips ephilli3@twcny.rr.com (315)250-0521 Pam Kuczawa pkucz82.83@gmail.com (315)342-0059